60 seconds with Land Mobile's Sam Fenwick
Sam Fenwick, Land Mobile's editor, discusses what it's like covering the wireless comms industry
How do you spend most of your time at work?
Interviewing people, attending events, scribbling frantically in short-hand, and typing furiously. That and trying to juggle many things at once.
What’s been your most unusual experience?
Either a five-hour trip through the jungles of Colombia in search of a cement factory or the opening of a new one in Egypt. Being surrounded by AK-47 armed security guards sticks in the mind!
What advice would you give to anyone writing about two-way radio?
Include lots of practical tips or lessons learned that your readers can apply to their own work. When writing case studies, don’t strip away the little problems or set-backs that occurred. How you resolved them tells the reader far more than a “the job was done perfectly” narrative.
What excites you most about wireless comms?
The way in which it pervades everything, while at the same time, there’s so much more it can do. It will be interesting how working practices evolve in the next 10 years or so, as people continue to embrace new technologies.
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