DAMM partners with Tait Communications on DMR radio terminal distribution

DAMM Cellular Systems is entering into an alliance with Tait Communications, in which Tait will supply DMR radio terminals, which can be deployed with DAMM’s systems.

DAMM’s partners are now able to purchase Tait DMR Tier 3 radios directly through DAMM together with the sale of DAMM's new cross-tech platform product, BS422. In a statement, DAMM confirmed that the global agreement will complement its position as a “full solution provider within critical radio and broadband communication” and that the alliance will extends both DAMM’s and Tait’s global market reach.

“The value for DAMM's current and future customers will be that the agreement will ensure compatibility between the two product ranges and enable a smooth transition for DAMM TETRA partners to enter into the DMR business,” explained Allan Detlefsen, director, sales and marketing/CCO at DAMM.

“We see the high performance Tait DMR radios as an ideal match for our new cross technology platform offering DMR, TETRA and TEDS in one integrated system,” said Kjeld Pharao, DAMM’s CEO. “Combining the intelligent DAMM infrastructure and Tait DMR Terminals will provide a one-stop-shop for our System Partners. End-customers opting for the trunked DMR Tier III solution from DAMM, will benefit from the expertise and innovative solutions of two state-of-the-art communication providers.”

“We are pleased to be working with DAMM,” said Craig Clapper, global president, Solutions and Business Development at Tait Communications. “As we move into a world where seamless interoperability between LMR, cellular and broadband communications is crucial, partnerships are vital for offering customers full solutions that meet their current and future communications needs.”

DAMM terminated an agreement with Sepura in February, for the marketing and sales of DAMM products in USA and Canada. It announced at the time that it would be pursuing new business opportunities in the region and establish local presence through authorised system partner agreements working with professional radio communications.