The security risk index monitors operators’ potential risks, benchmarking them against industry peers. The network is then secured through the managed service, which can also be ‘white labelled’ by operators and offered to their own customers.
Speaking of the solutions, Friedrich Trawoeger, head of managed services at Nokia, said: "Operators must be prepared for a security breach. A dynamic, managed security proposition is needed to eliminate possible threats, so we are taking a comprehensive approach to security.
“Nokia's security services also utilise Nokia NetGuard, which is a complete portfolio of robust, end-to-end software solutions which detect, prevent and mitigate cyberattacks by securing traditional and cloud-based network architectures and protecting end-users and IoT devices.”
Patrick Donegan, principal analyst at security specialist HardenStance, said: "Telecom operators need strategic security partners that have a deep understanding of the unique aspects of their network environment and the threats that they and their customers face. Nokia's Security Risk Index and Managed Security Service propositions are an important contribution to addressing those challenges."