The company says it already uses renewable electricity (primarily from wind and hydro-power) on the sites it owns, which means approximately 70 per cent of its network runs on renewable energy, but it will take this a step further by asking landlord operated sites to switch to renewable energy sources. O2 intends to incentivise landlords by offering a discounted tariff via its UK energy supplier.
It will also work with the wider Telefonica Group to implement more ambitious carbon reduction targets to encourage suppliers to accelerate their efforts to reduce emissions. These efforts tie into an aim to reduce supply chain emissions by 30% by 2025.
Mark Evans, O2's CEO, said, “Today, we’re putting a stake in the ground. We want to go further and faster, setting the bar in our industry to tackle climate change and build the greenest network for our customers. Every office, every store, every mast. We will get the changes done to be a net zero business by 2025. Mobile can play a pivotal role to make our country more sustainable. From smart metering to smarter working. O2 will work with suppliers, partners and customers to ensure that this industry plays its part in delivering a greener country for us all.”
When asked whether being net zero will be through offsetting emissions or through having no emissions, the company clarified that its intention is to drive down and minimise carbon emissions over the next five years, with the option to offset any remaining residual emissions in 2025.
Hugh Jones, managing director, business services, The Carbon Trust, added, “We are pleased to have worked with O2 for over a decade and most recently providing advice on the reduction of their supply chain emissions by 30% by 2025. This is a crucial step in helping the company achieve its ambitions.”
O2 will also focus its efforts on the wider power of mobile, working beyond its own business to help other sectors in their search for more sustainable solutions. Progress against both commitments will be reported annually and will be independently assessed and audited by Aenor and ERM.