Taking on the challenge in four teams of six, Foundation deputy chair Andy Bowie said the eight Motorola DP3400 radios donated by SFL “allowed each group to efficiently communicate within their groups”.
The fundraisers completed all Three Peaks in Yorkshire in times as low as 22 hours 43 minutes and beat their fundraising target to raise a total of £14,514.
All money raised will go towards the charity’s work supporting families and raising awareness of those affected by neuroblastoma. The charity was initially founded in the name of two year old Amelia-Mae Davies, who passed away from neuroblastoma in July 2013.
Commenting on the use of the two-way radios during the challenge, Bowie said: “The radios were a huge success and enabled the teams to keep in touch on the mountains to stay safe and allowed the drivers to keep in touch with the climbers ensuring everyone was safe and the challenge ran smoothly.”
Last month, SFL Mobile Radio announced plans to invest in two new pieces of technology for its Sure Antennas division after receiving government funding.